Studies of the Moon

‘I love the Moon. Consequently, I spend a lot of time looking at and studying the Moon. The Moon has different moods. Her light has many differing textures at any given time. As the Moon makes her way around our Earth, one’s experience of the Moon is never the same. Depending on the time of day, time of year, the weather, waning, waxing, or eclipsing, crescent or full, and also one’s own location, the Moon sends many subtle variations of its light, mood, and color to the receptive eye.  Collected here are some of my better photo-studies of the many qualities of our nearest heavenly body.’
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All images: (c) 2011 Justyn Zolli, and is protected by United States and international copyright laws. Reproduction copying, storage, adaptation or manipulation of any content (text or photographs) is prohibited without the express permission of Justyn Zolli.     No images are within the public domain.   Use of any image as the basis for another illustration is a violation of copyright. All rights reserved (c) 2010